M. I. Petrashen

Applications of group theory in quantum mechanics - New York: Dover publication, [c1969] - 318 p

1. Introduction
2. Abstract Groups
3. Representations of Point Groups
4. Composition of Representations and the Direct Products of Groups
5. Wigner's Theorem
6. Point Groups
7. Decomposition of a Reducible Representation into an Irreducible Representation
8. Space Groups and their Irreducible Representations
9. Classification of the Vibrational and Electronic States of a Crystal
10. Continuous Groups
11. Irreducible Representations of the Three-Dimensional Rotation Group
12. The Properties of Irreducible Representations of the Rotation Group
13. Some Applications of the Theory of Representation of the Rotation Group in Quantum Mechanics
14. Additional Degeneracy in a Spherically Symmetric Field
15. Permutation Groups
16. Symmetrized Powers of Representations
17. Symmetry Properties of Multi-Electron Wave Functions
20. Symmetry Properties of Wave Functions for a System of Identical Particles with Arbitrary Spins
21. Classification of the States of a Multi-Electron Atom
22. Applications of Group Theory to Problems Connected with the Perturbation Theory
23. Selection Rules
24. The Lorentz Group and its Irreducible Representations
25. The Dirac Equation

