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ICTS News Clipping
- The Hindu- 16.Jun.2023--Is clay solid or liquid? Get your answer and a cup of coffee
- The Times of India- 27.Jun.2023--ICTS scientists have key to measuring pace of Universe expansion
some other articles on same subject:
i. The Hindu Indian group proposes radical new way to settle universe expansion dispute
ii. Kollegala Sharma covered the work in his popular Kannada portal, Janasuddi, between 11:40 and 16:40 minutes of the episode.
iii. Asian Scientist-- Gravitational Waves Reveal Universe's Expansion
- Prajavani- 01.Jan.2020--Prof.Manas Kulkarni selected as Bangaluru's Young Achiever in Science
- TOI- 29.Dec 2020--Indian scientist bags World Academy Of Sciences award
- TOI-5-Jan-2018--Govts must encourage scale-up of ICTS
- DH-5-Jan-2018--Training to scientists in gravitational astronomy
- TOI-7-Jan-2018--Maths can be fun if students discover it themselves
- DH-15-Mar-2018--India remembers Hawking,great ambassador of science
- IE-15-Mar-2018--Stephen Hawking inspired me to pursue Theoretical Physics
- TOI-15-Mar-2018--Stephen hawking'svisit was big boost for Indian Scientists
- TOI-26-May-2018 US Scientist dedicates book to B'luru physicist
- TOI-26-May-2018--Trying to understand end of time to learn its beginning
- TOI-2-Jun-2017-- LIGO Detects 3rd Gravitational Wave, Charts new Course
- TOI-2-Jun-2017--Having Struck gold, LIGO hopes to detect supernova
- TH-6-Oct-2017--Nobel Boost to city's link with LIGO
- TOI-9-Oct-2017--Science had a globally chequered past-Roddam
- TOI-15-Oct-2017--City LIGO scientist named CIFAR scholar, to get $100k
- TH-17-Oct-2017--Observations confirm neutron star merger
- DH-2-Nov-2017--Nobel prize winner for Chemistry wants to be a fiction writer