Fourth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians : AMSIP volume 48 - Providence, R.I. :;[Sommerville, Mass.] : American Mathematical Society : International Press, c2010. - 1 online resource (vii, 381 p. : ill.) - AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, v. 48 2472-5153 .

Number theory, ancient and modern ; Partition functions and box-spline ; Cohomology algebras in symplectic, Kahler and algebraic geometry ; Calculus of operator functions ; Torelli for some moduli spaces ; The adaptive PML method for acoustic wave scattering problems ; Toric Sasaki-Einstein geometry ; Arithmetic groups, mapping class groups, related groups, and their associated spaces ; On some topics in automorphic representations ; Rigidity of polyhedral surfaces ; An affine sphere equation associated to Einstein toric surfaces ; Number-theoretic techniques in the theory of Lie groups and differential geometry ; Local-global principles ; The flabby class group of a finite cyclic group ; Green's formula in Hall algebras and cluster algebras ; The Ricci flow and geometrization of three-manifolds ; Four proofs for the Cheeger inequality and graph partition algorithms ; Zeta functions in combinatorics and number theory ; Soliton hierarchies constructed from involutions

9781470417512 (online)
