Fifth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians : AMSIP volume 51.1 - Providence, R.I. :;[Somerville, Mass.] : American Mathematical Society : International Press, c2012. - 1 online resource (2 v. (xxvi, 999 p.) : ill.) - AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, v. 51.1 2472-5153 .

Papers on pure mathematics ; Gradient and oscillation estimates and their applications in geometric PDE ; On canonical and explicit classification of algebraic threefolds ; Canonical pseudonorms on pluricanonical spaces ; The enigmatic Tate-Shafarevich group ; Eta invariants for even dimensional manifolds ; Ricci flow on 4-manifolds and Seiberg-Witten equations ; Vector bundles and

9781470417543 (online)
