Recent advances in adaptive computation : proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Adaptive Computation, May 2428, 2004, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2005 - 1 online resource (vi, 386 p. : ill.) - Contemporary mathematics v. 383 10983627 .

Includes bibliographical references.

A synthesis of a posteriori error estimation techniques for conforming, nonconforming and discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods ; Averaging techniques for reliable and efficient a posteriori finite element error control: analysis and applications ; Adaptive computation with PML for timeharmonic scattering problems ; Recent progress on aposteriori error analysis for the Mark Ainsworth ; Carsten Carstensen and Max Jensen ; Zhiming Chen and Xuezhe Liu ; Benqi Guo ; Ronald H W Hoppe ; W B Liu ; Alfred H Schatz ; Tao Tang ; Jorn Behrens and Lars Mentrup ; Long Chen and Jinchao Xu ; Yanping Chen ; Max Gunzburger and HyungChun Lee ; BjrnOve Heimsund and XueCheng Tai ; Weizhang Huang and Xiaoyong Zhan ; YinLiang Huang and WeiCheng Wang ; Shengtai Li ; Zhilin Li and Xingzhou Yang ; Runchang Lin and Zhimin Zhang ; Kewei Liang and Ping Lin ; KyoungSook Moon Erik von Schwerin Anders Szepessy and Raul Tempone ; Ningning Yan ; Sheng Zhang and Dehao Yu ; P A Zegeling W D de Boer and H Z Tang

9780821879733 (online)

Finite element method
Numerical analysis