Perspectives on quantization : proceedings of a 1996 AMSIMSSIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, July 711, 1996, Mt. Holyoke College - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c1998 - 1 online resource (xi, 195 p. : ill.) - Contemporary mathematics v. 214 10983627 .

Includes bibliographical references.

nalogue of the first homology group of a Discrete series representations and integration over boundary orbits of symmetric domains ; Microlocal techniques for semiclassical problems in geometric quantization ; A nonGaussian fixed point for the renormalization group ; Quantum mechanics in phase space ; Nonstandard quantum groups associated to certain BelavinDrinfeld triples ; Ergodic theorems for quantum Kronecker flows ; Quantum maps ; The relationship between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics ; Deformation quantization and heory ; A Jonathan Arazy and Harald Upmeier ; David Borthwick ; J Dimock ; Brian C Hall ; Timothy J Hodges ; Sawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski ; Sawomir Klimek and Andrzej Lesniewski ; George W Mackey ; Gabriel Nagy ; Jozef H Przytycki ; Irving Segal ; Albert J L Sheu ; Andre Unterberger ; Alexander A Voronov

9780821878064 (online)

Quantum field theory
Quantum theory