Recent advances in differential equations and mathematical physics : UAB International Conference on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, March 29April 2, 2005, University of Alabama at Birmingham - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2006 - 1 online resource (xvii, 333 p. : ill.) - Contemporary mathematics v. 412 10983627 .

Includes bibliographical references.

Fluctuation based proof of the stability of ac spectra of random operators on tree graphs ; The BorgMarchenko theorem with a continuous spectrum ; Sampling theorems associated with differential operators iterated from lower order ones ; Outgrowths of Hardy's inequality ; On Hardy type inequalities ; A nonlinear fourthorder minimization problem ; A variational approach to inverse problems for anisotropic systems ; On selfadjoint and Michael Aizenman Robert Sims and Simone Warzel ; Tuncay Aktosun and Ricardo Weder ; M H Annaby G Freiling and I A Soliman ; Wolfgang Arendt Gisele Ruiz Goldstein and Jerome A Goldstein ; Alexander A Balinsky and Alexey E Tyukov ; Rafael D Benguria ; B M Brown M Jais and P C Kalmbach ; Steve Clark and Fritz Gesztesy ; Pavel Exner ; Colin Fox Vladimir Oleinik and Boris Pavlov ; G Gallavotti ; George A Hagedorn and Alain Joye ; Rainer Hempel ; Don Hinton and Maeve L McCarthy ; Richard Lavine ; Elliott H Lieb Robert Seiringer and Jan Philip Solovej ; Leonid Pestov and Gunther Uhlmann ; Norbert Rohrl ; Alexei Rybkin ; Vadim Tkachenko ; Lloyd N Trefethen and Timo Betcke ; Andras Vasy

9780821880852 (online)

Differential equations
Mathematical physics