Advances in quantum computation : representation theory, quantum field theory, category theory, mathematical physics, and quantum information theory, September 2023, 2007, University of Texas at Tyler - Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2009 - 1 online resource (vii, 240 p. : ill.) - Contemporary mathematics v. 482 10983627 .

Includes bibliographical references.

Mathematical formulations of atom trap quantum gates ; Charge renormalization, Apery's number, and the trefoil knot ; Braid group, TemperleyLieb algebra, and quantum information and computation ; Poisson algebras and YangBaxter equations ; Ambiguity in quantumtheoretical descriptions of experiments ; Reference frame fields based on quantum theory representations of real and complex numbers ; Two paradigms for topological quantum computation ; Contraction of matchgate tensor networks on nonplanar graphs ; Probing topological order in quantum Hall states using entanglement calculations ; Topological order and entanglement ; Hierarchical quantum search Zhigang Zhang and Goong Chen ; Howard E Brandt ; Yong Zhang ; Travis Schedler ; John M Myers and F Hadi Madjid ; Paul Benioff ; Eric C Rowell ; Sergey Bravyi ; Masudul Haque ; Alioscia Hamma ; Vladimir E Korepin and Ying Xu

9780821881613 (online)

Quantum communication
Quantum computers
Quantum theory