Du Sautoy, Marcus

The music of the primes : searching to solve the greatest mystery in mathematics - New York Perennial 2004 - 335 p.

1.Who wants to be a millionaire?;
2.The atoms of arithmetic;
3.Riemann's imaginary mathematical looking-glass;
4.The Riemann Hypothesis: From random primes to orderly zeros;
5.The mathematical relay race: Realising Riemann's revolution;
6.Ramanujan, the mathematical mystic;
7.Mathematical exodus: From Göttingen to Princeton;
8.Machines of the mind;
9.The computer age: From the mind to the desktop;
10.Cracking numbers and codes;
11.From orderly zeros to quantum chaos;
12.The missing piece of the jigsaw

Examines German mathematician Bernhard Riemann's hypothesis on imaginary numbers, sine waves, and prime numbers and attempts to unravel the mystery surrounding it.


Numbers, Prime | Mathematics
