Spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decomposition of manifolds : proceedings of the Workshop on Spectral Geometry of Manifolds with Boundary and Decomposition of Manifolds, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark, August 69, 2003

Contributor(s): Booss Bernhelm | Grubb Gerd | Wojciechowski Krzysztof PMaterial type: Computer fileComputer fileSeries: Contemporary mathematics ; v. 366Publication details: Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, c2005Description: 1 online resource (viii, 328 p. : ill.)ISBN: 9780821879566 (online)Subject(s): Fredholm operators | Ktheory | Operator algebras | Pseudodifferential operatorsOnline resources: Click here to access online
Spectral problems from quantum field theory ; Euclidean quantum gravity in light of spectral geometry ; Analysis of invariants associated with spectral boundary problems for elliptic operators ; A resolvent approach to traces and zeta Laurent expansions ; Asymptotic expansion of the zetadeterminant of an invertible Laplacian on a stretched manifold ; AgranovichDynin formula for the zetadeterminants of the Neumann and Dirichlet problems ; The Calderon projector for the odd signature operator and spectral flow calculations in 3dimensional topology ; Cutandpaste on foliated bundles ; The uniqueness of the spectral flow on spaces of unbounded selfadjoint Fredholm operators ; Variants of equivariant SeibergWitten Floer homology ; Dirac operators, boundary value problems, and the Dmitri V Vassilevich ; Giampiero Esposito ; Gerd Grubb ; Gerd Grubb ; Yoonweon Lee ; Jinsung Park and Krzysztof P Wojciechowski ; Hans U Boden Christopher M Herald and Paul Kirk ; Eric Leichtnam and Paolo Piazza ; Matthias Lesch ; Matilde Marcolli and BaiLing Wang ; Paul Loya ; V E Nazaikinskii G Rozenblum A Yu Savin and B Yu Sternin ; Victor Nistor
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Spectral problems from quantum field theory ; Euclidean quantum gravity in light of spectral geometry ; Analysis of invariants associated with spectral boundary problems for elliptic operators ; A resolvent approach to traces and zeta Laurent expansions ; Asymptotic expansion of the zetadeterminant of an invertible Laplacian on a stretched manifold ; AgranovichDynin formula for the zetadeterminants of the Neumann and Dirichlet problems ; The Calderon projector for the odd signature operator and spectral flow calculations in 3dimensional topology ; Cutandpaste on foliated bundles ; The uniqueness of the spectral flow on spaces of unbounded selfadjoint Fredholm operators ; Variants of equivariant SeibergWitten Floer homology ; Dirac operators, boundary value problems, and the alculus ; Guillemin transform and Toeplitz representations for operators on singular manifolds ; Pseudodifferential operators on noncompact manifolds and analysis on polyhedral domains Dmitri V Vassilevich ; Giampiero Esposito ; Gerd Grubb ; Gerd Grubb ; Yoonweon Lee ; Jinsung Park and Krzysztof P Wojciechowski ; Hans U Boden Christopher M Herald and Paul Kirk ; Eric Leichtnam and Paolo Piazza ; Matthias Lesch ; Matilde Marcolli and BaiLing Wang ; Paul Loya ; V E Nazaikinskii G Rozenblum A Yu Savin and B Yu Sternin ; Victor Nistor

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